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About ct701996

  • Birthday 02/08/1993

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Central Oregon
  • Interests
    building wade saddles

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Belts and spur straps
  • Interested in learning about
    visalia saddles and buckaroo gear

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  1. Thank you! We can’t find any markings on it. This helps
  2. If anyone can tell me what kind of sewing machine this is that would be great or if they would know somebody that would know. thanks!!
  3. Looks good! Maybe a heel knot at the yolk? Hard to see very well with the picture
  4. Does anyone know if you can still purchase the harwood video?
  5. either way will hold the weight of the rider, although i have heard that in a very moist, wet environment over long periods of time the all leather seat will get soft
  6. did you design the rigging pattern?
  7. you might already know this but ray holes makes some stuff called rawhide cream u can use that stuff but it might be a little expensive, also you dont necesarly need animal fat, just take ivory soap and scrape it, possibly with a poatato peeler or something, and mix it wth some water over the stove, i have not made this stuff but the guy that taught me to braid uses it , i have a friend that makes a mix with snowseal and something else, ill get back to you with the mix
  8. braided another rawhide honda with the plastic burner, i just crowned the strings on the neck continuously till i had it long enough, dont be afraid to say what you think needs to change
  9. thank you, i guess i never though of using the dremel
  10. yeah some old fellow showed me how to make these, ive never really used bruce grants book for braiding, too hard to understand
  11. yeah i think your right, i doesnt look too bad either
  12. right away i find the middle of the strings, then i do a slit braid right in the middle of them, you could also braid 4 strands in the middle
  13. i bought them at my local feed store, i think some of the big chain stores like big r have them and i know buckaroobusinesses.com carries them
  14. Does anybody here know how to make copper rivet domers, i guess you could just drill out the end of some stock but that wouldnt be very round, i like to make my own stuff so this would be something i could save 30 bucks on
  15. no its not too bad, i have a long tapered spike i use, and i usually can get it all the way through, then i take out the spike and put in my 3/8 plug, the spike is a little larger than 3/8 so i have to hurry and put in the plug but i can usually get it done. i think the knots look better if you tie them before you put the plug in
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