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  1. I also have the Tandy machine and can't find wheels for it. One would think someone would make the wheels to fit that machine. I think the problem is, if a shop sets up to make something like that it takes too much time to do the set up for just a small number of wheels. I did fine a man in Bulgaria who makes them but it takes a long tine to get them. His work is good and I like what he does. You should be able to fins him on Etsy. His name is Sergey Neskromniy. Matter of fact, I have an extra one of his wheels that got lost in shipping and he made me another one. The day after the replacement arrived the lost one was delivered after five months of ewaiting for it. So, If you are interested in that obe it's a great wheel. Solid brass and does a very nice emperssion. I have attached a photo of a belt made with it.
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