I've been super busy lately trying to get things in order before I get married, so I haven't had a whole lot of time to spend working on leather items, but here's a couple that I have finished up in the last few weeks.
Gun: Beretta Tomcat .25
Leather: 7-8 oz. Cowhide
Dye: Angelus Honey
Finish: Angelus Acrylic
This customer specified that he wanted a straight vertical cant, he wanted the gun barrel to not sit below the belt, and he wanted to be able to get a full grip on the gun while holster. I didn't think that would be too difficult to do, but with this small of a gun it was kinda tricky getting the belt slots on there while leaving enough room to grip the gun. However, I think I've accomplished what I set out to do and the customer is very satisfied with the end results.
Gun: Springfield XD9SC
Leather: 7-8 oz. Cowhide
Body Dye: Angelus Honey
Throatband Dye: Angelus Saddle Tan
Finish: Angelus Acrylic
All comments, critique, and suggestions are welcome.