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Everything posted by Lineets

  1. Thanks to all! Pleased to hear that you liked my crafting)
  2. Have finished today. Japanese vegtanned leather, Fiebings pro oil dyes, Craft Sha gloss lacuer, Tokonole for edges Vinimo polyester threads
  3. Sorry for so late reply. I just was away from home on vacation. I used 8oz (3.2 mm) veg tanned side in these saddlebags
  4. Да это я так, шучу) На самом деле, работы хорошие)
  5. Hi! Yesterday I finished my first saddlebags. They are for Honda VT750 Shadow. Later, when I will set them uo onto the bike, I will add some new photoes. It was my first expirience in making such thing. That`s why I have done a lot of mistakes. But next time I will do much better
  6. He said that he had been in Moscow ans sold computers to the Soviet Union
  7. Благодарю! Многие говорят, что мои работы хорошие, но лично я недоволен, мне ещё много над чем надо работать, особенно в Шеридане. Россия в 90-х была в разрухе, сейчас тут всё по-другому)) Благодарю! Многие говорят, что мои работы хорошие, но лично я недоволен, мне ещё много над чем надо работать, особенно в Шеридане. Россия в 90-х была в разрухе, сейчас тут всё по-другому))
  8. Thanks a lot! Glad you like my works! As for the background I used Fiebings Leather Dye and finished it with Kenda Farben Appretto Mild
  9. I also was looking for grey dyes. And yesterday I found it in Japan It is waterbased. I havent tried it yet. But I ordered it. I think I will get it in 2 or 3 weeks. I will tell about my tests asa soon as I get it. And here is the link https://leathercrafttools.com/item?id=11165
  10. Благодарю! Рад слышать русскую речь))
  11. Зачётные работы) Но нет на Вас российский кожевников - они бы тапками закидали за необработанные торцы)))
  12. Hi, @SonderingSusan! Of course I know the website cause I found it by myself. It`s http://sanyotan.co.jp/ I liked carving and stamping. The swifel knife slides very easily. Cuts are smooth. Leather keeps water for a very long time that`s why it`s not nessesery to add moisturing durig the process. I took 2 sorts of thier leather - full grain and corrected grain. I liked corrected grain more because there aren`t any scars on the face The flesh side is also smooth and it looks like face. But this leather is little specific because of its colour. It`s not beige like Hermann Oak. It`s yellow. That`s why dyeing may have some difficulties. Many colours are darker on it
  13. My greeting to all leathercrafters! I`m a new one here, as you see. I`ve already shown some of my work. But here I want to talk about the Japanese Veg Tanned tooling leather. I tried it last autumn and I really liked it. It`s really amazing. I ordered it directly from the factory. To tell the truth I found it very suddenly. I was looking for the Himeji White Veg Tanned Leather, but still haven`t found it. Instead of it I found another factory which produces veg tanned leather Is there anybody here who tried or used Japanese leather?
  14. Thanks a lot, Tom. Glad you liked my works As for Eugene Solomin, I know him personally. And I also have already posted 3 articles in his magazine: 2 about the Japanese dyes (Kioshi Elle and Craft-Sha), and 1 about the Japanese vegtanned leather which I use in my work
  15. Hi! My leathercrafting is not so good as the members` one. I only learnig Here in Russia there are very few good leathercraft schools that`s why it`s rather difficut to find goog teachers. I use the Japanese veg tanned leather in my crafting Hi!
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