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Everything posted by onsart

  1. Thanks for the comments and all I've managed to learn by reading this forum. In Spain I know of no place to teach and work the leather through the forum I'm getting. The leather is glued to the tank with double sided tape. I apologize that I do not speak English and use the translator.
  2. I present my second bike seat, made for my DragStar650, greetings to all and thanks for your contributions without which never make it.
  3. In my photo blog has more detail and can see more work. http://cueroplastia.blogspot.com.es/ Thanks for the comments, I'm working on another seat for my bike, as I finished, I'll upload the photos. chancey77 Posted Today, 06:24 AM ¡JODER MUY BUENO IMPRESIONANTE! Gracias chacey77, que bueno alguien que escriba en español, me vuelvo loco con el traductor y tengo miedo a equivocarme, je, je.
  4. Hi all, forgive my English, but is that not knowing the language I have to use the translator. I'm from Spain and took a long time following the forum and learning from you, I have decided to write to teach my first bike seat. Hope you like it, thank you all for making this forum great.
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