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Everything posted by EweSoKnotty

  1. So they do not make a rubber tipped or Teflon feed dog for my machine. Has anyone ever plasti dipped a feed dog - just the teeth? I'm debating on it. Or one thats 3d printed? I don't get much marking on my leather but anything to minimize is worth it.
  2. I actually have a servo but thank you. I ended up with a speed reducer from Springfield Leather I appreciate it guys!
  3. I am looking for a speed reducer for my Juki 1541s. I was wondering what the most reputable and best speed reducer would be for this machine. Googling helps but doesn't come close to those with working experience!
  4. Hi! My name is Shelby and I'm learning leather work! Both machine and hand. This is my baby and I am excited to learn and share and ask silly questions everyone else knows the answers too. Like why do they make thread sizes such a pia? Glad to be here!!
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