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Everything posted by ChazJ

  1. After using Fiebings antique paste (med brown) and letting it dry, I found it dried with a grayish look to it. I tried it again and it did the same thing. When I first got it about 4 months ago it dried just fine. Anyone else have this issue? Thanks in advance
  2. ChazJ

    Barry King Mauls

    Thanks for the ideas guys. I'l try locktite.
  3. ChazJ

    Barry King Mauls

    New to leather and I've been using a cheap 14 oz maul which loosens after a few strikes either when tooling or punching. I'm looking for a much better maul. I have seen Barry King mauls but I can't decide on the weight. I' going to be punching belt ends and holes, but also tooling with it. Any suggestions? And with that in mind, if anyone is interested in selling a used Barry King maul, let me know. Thanks in advance
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