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  1. Interesting thread. I had to check the site out, and I found this ... http://www.aon-celti...ocopyright.html (Note that this information was on the "About Cari" page, NOT the freeware or home pages.) All the images on the Aon Celtic website are copyright Cari Buziak, 1994-current. This includes all the images in the Gallery, Freeware section, Tutorial text and graphics, the website background, e-mail button and all other images posted here unless noted otherwise. Usage without permission constitutes copyright infringement, and is punishable by law. Many people think that because Celtic art is an old art form, that Celtic images might be copyright free. This is NOT true! Each image created by an artist is under copyright protection from the moment they create it, even if they had inspiration from a traditional source, such as the Book of Kells. New material and 'ancient inspired' material is all under copyright protection, whether it's been registered with the copyright office or not, and using it without the artists' permission is copyright infringement. If you're not sure whether the usage you have in mind is okay or not, just ask! :-) It never hurts to just ask! We can always work something out where you could license the image or pay a royalty to use it. People who take the time to ask and work something out ensure the survival of the Aon Celtic website, so I can continue to share artwork and free clip art material with you. Thanks everyone!! :-) Here's my take on it (disclaimer..... I am not a lawyer): 1. Her posting the artwork as freeware implies permission to use it (she does not specify either how it may be used, or prohibited uses). 2. She claims that an artist who creates an image, even if "ancient inspired" has copyright protection. By her logic, then, you would also have protection for your works you created, being "new ancient inspired". Not being an artist, nor having any intellectual property (except what little resides between my ears), I've never had to deal with this issue. In the end, though, it's her site and her rules.
  2. Try this link http://www.angelfire.com/art/enchanter/bartysheath.html This describes how to make a wooden sheath, but has a nice little picture regarding how design the sheath to allow for the curve
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