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  • Location
    Salt Lake City
  • Interests
    Learning new things

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
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    Leather consuming and accessories
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  1. I got this set on Amazon. I've used the longer one a lot over the last year. I've never even taken the shorter one out of the package. It's handy for doing the edges and flat parts of straps and even some larger sections. You do have to be mindful of friction heat though. If you can see the groove near the tip, that was from letting it sit too long in a hole for a thong. A wiff of smoke and suddenly there was a permanent groove. I still use it all the time though. If it breaks I'm certainly getting another one.
  2. Thanks to everyone! I may be brave enough to try making some very soft leather items or add some leather accents to some fabric pieces. I'll avoid anything heavier.
  3. I recently inherited my great-grandmother's foot-treadle Singer 66. I really only intend to use it to learn how to sew fabric, but after having read many, many posts on the subject of using this machine for stitching leather, I am intrigued by the possibility of using it for some very limited leather projects. I wasn't really looking for a machine to stitch leather, I just find myself with it and want to know what sort of things it is good for. There is a lot of conflicting information on its use with leather, and all I could really gather is it can handle #69 bonded nylon thread in a #18 needle, and no thicker than 1/4" leather if I get a walking foot pressor. Mostly I pick projects because I think they will be fun or useful. I've done some hand-stitching with leather to make knife sheaths and a few pistol holsters. I did a leather grip wrap on a sword and am working on a wood and leather scabbard for it. I am looking to add making clothing and leather accessories, maybe even some boots, for costuming and SCA outfits. So if anyone has any advice for using this machine, or cool projects they know it is good for besides the obvious fabric stuff, that would be great. Thanks.
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