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    Holsters, knife sheath, small leather goods

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  1. bruce johnson thanks that was what I was figuring, but it never hurts to ask. Thanks everybody for the replies and help.
  2. sorry for not getting back quicker, day jobs suck. I am not sure if it's an 1889 or 1887 or something else. the only markings that I have found say JD Randall CO or RANDALL JD CO I am not looking at it right now. what I am wondering is if the top roller somewhere on the shaft is removable and could it be replaced with a different embossing wheel that is readily available on the market today. here is a pic it's not my machine but it's exactly the same as mine except the hand crank on mine is different. Thanks again for all your help.
  3. I have one of the old campbell-randall leather strap creaser. it is hand crank and has multiple rollers that dome and emboss straps. has anyone had luck with putting one of the newer embosser wheels on. if so what brand did you use and what was the inner diameter and key size and outer diameter. I have not measured the shaft but it looks like it's 1 inch. I have not taken it apart or looked into taking it apart, is it difficult to take apart. Any input is appreciated. Thanks.
  4. I agree with using tan kote Don Gonzalez has a great video of an oil finish tan kote for resist and then antique, its one of his multi segment videos cant remember which one for sure. I only use the pro resist when I'm antiquing over a flower that I have painted for example.
  5. I have a cowboy 4500 and i believe that they have 7/8 in lift in the foot. I am using the standard needle plate with feed dog. I tried to sew a sheath that was 5/8 thick and i had to jam it under the foot and it sewed it just fine but that foot would not go up anymore. Is there some kind of adjustment i can make to get the extra little bit of lift. Thanks for your help.
  6. The closet I keep my leather in is bursting at the seams. I am thinking about moving it out to my shed where it is cold in the winter and hot in the summer. Do you folks think that storing it in where there is no climate control will have adverse effects on it. The leather is veg tanned, suede, and upholstery leather. Thanks for any input.
  7. What can I sew with the blanket feet on my cowboy 4500 I get that it is probably for thicker blanket material but can I sew fabric or thin canvas with it. Thanks
  8. Can any of you fine folks point me in the direction of a tutorial of carving a mountain or mountain scene preferably video but anything will help. Thanks
  9. Has anybody built a rifle scabbard and tooled it from the pattern pack tandy sells. I would really appreciate a picture of the tooling if someone has it specifically the goat in the montains or the floral but really anything will help. Thanks in advance.
  10. I am going to buy a oblong punch to cut belt slots in holsters. I was going to just get a punch from tandy in 1.5 inch but I found that springfield leather sells an extra wide one (3/8 Wide) but they only come in 1.25 and 1.75 inch. So my question is when you folks are cutting the belt slot for a 1.5 inch belt do you use a 1.5 inch punch or do you go A litttle bigger like the 1.75 inch punch. I currently cut a hole at 1.5 inch. Thanks for the input.
  11. Wiz would you recommend the consew 1206RB for doing lined belts/ slings/straps of that type. I'm not to concerned about wallet interiors hand sewing those is not a problem there pretty quick but the interior to the back is what i would like the machine for.
  12. Thanks Tony i'm thinking that a sewing machine will sew best in the middle of the extremes and that a consew will be better suited I measured my wallets and knife sheaths that I made for shows and there under 3/8 there about 5/16. I have already tried and gave up looking for the unicorn they just arn't out there so i'm just looking for the machine that will do the bulk of my work and a big harness stitcher isn't it i'm thinking.
  13. So I have been looking at the cobra class 3/4 and the cb3200 for a sewing machine and my question is do they like to sew the minimum of 6oz. I rarely do anything more than 7-8 oz in my wallets and lined belts and slings are 10-12oz. the thickest i've sewn so far is a about 5/16-1/2in thick in a knife sheath its not something I build alot of. I'm worried that the machine won't sew in its sweet spot. What do you folks think, is a class 3/4 to big for what I do. If so what machine do you guys recommend. I can only afford 1 machine right now and I know that I will be needing more than one, just looking for a machine that can do the bulk of my work currently. Thanks in advance.
  14. I guess that's that he made a good point why reinvent the wheel veg tan is the way to go. Thank you.
  15. is an oil tanned leather suitable for making a holster. I am looking for a fairly pliable and soft leather to do a flap holster. thanks for your help
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