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Everything posted by ade

  1. phone holster

  2. My Father gave me his round bladed knife a few years ago,is it a head knife?. He must have owned it at least 50 years,and it was old when he got it. It's stamped R Timinson&son cast steel on he blade,Ive done a search on the net but found little. R Timinson&son were based in Birmingham England,and made tools from the 18th and 19th century. Thanks Ade
  3. Thanks for the advice Ferg,no "Sun Shine" today 28f cold. I Promise at the weekend I'll open the gun safe,and dig out suede and contact adhesive. If jobs worth doing,it's worth doing right. Ade
  4. Thanks for the kind words guys. I think I've come up with a solution,to stop the leather touching lens. Electricians tape. Job finished.
  5. I cleaned my rifle few weeks,and discovered my scope lens were filthy. So i decided to make some scope covers,basically i was playing around with my left over off cuts of leather. These are pain to make,and the Pythagoras formula doesn't work on leather. I ended up using vitamin and tablet containers as forming lasts,sorry for the poor photograph.
  6. Nice logo but it may be difficult to reproduce as a leather stamp, just in case your thinking about stamping your mark on your finished goods.
  7. Thanks for kind words guys, it kinda sucks that we cann't have pistols in the UK. We just replaced them with more shotguns and rifles,lots of guys shoot .44 and .357 lever actions. I have retired ex-cop friend tha lives in California, i try to get over there once a year and have day a the range with his pistols. I even took the CCW course last year and passed,but California won't give me a CCW as i'm not a resident(but i 've told i can get one in Florida). As for my edge finish,i use brown liquid shoe polish after burnishing. I just paint it on with my finger,it cheap and seams to work. The only down side it my wife steals it for shoes. Ade
  8. I live in England and pistol were banned 13 year ago,but there are a few exceptions. Some thing called a section 5 licence,you can have pistol for the humain dispatch of animals. A guy at my gun club wanted a holster for his section 5 pistol. This is work in progress. I hope it fits,i had no blue gun. I need also fit a snap on the top strap,and polish it a little. I need to final fit with the guy's pistol,but i must confess i enjoyed making it. Ade
  9. Have any of you guys made your own rear bench rest bag,i do a little bit of leather craft. I have made quite a few bolt holster for the guys at the club,and i fancy makinga back bag. Any ideas or tips ?. Does any body know what denier corduria is the norm on a rear bag bunny ears ?. Thanks Adrian
  10. In an idea world get the tang galvanised,but first clean off all rust with emery cloth. Mask of the blade and borrow some of your wifes clear nail varnish,and cote the blade. But thats me i'm cheep,if i wanted to spend cash i would probably buy some spray epoxy paint. Ade
  11. I got dixon head knife last week,early birthday present. My linkDixon Head Knife Well i had a go at sharpening tonight,and i stropped it. wow,I HAVE SEEN THE LIGHT. I have some really tough half tanned leather,and well it was like a hot knife through butter. My only regret is that i should have got one years ago,I was a little sceptical. Thanks Guys
  12. I love making things,and learning how to make things.

    I skinned a deer with a knife i made.

    I fitted my bathroom and had a bath with soap i made.

  13. Hi I've done a little casing and have had great results,i really love this method. Just a question, can do casing on Vinegaroon dyed leather ?. And would dying leather in vinegaroon,after casing cause you to loose the shape?. Ade
  14. Hi Hilly I've been wanting rifle pad for ages, and found the plans for one on google patets. I live in England and have only seen these on the net and in books:- Here the link to the plans,i hope i'm not going to get in to trouble for doing this. RIFLE CHEEK REST The only reason i have not made one yet,is that i can not find any brass eyelets long enough. Good luck and enjoy. Ade
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