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About Hollywood

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  • Birthday 02/21/1949

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  • Interests
    Plaiting Kangaroo Leather /Kangaroo Leather Knots
    General Leather work ( Ostrich,Emu,Buffalo,)

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    Plaiting Kangaroo / All Knot in K Leather
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  1. Hi Kristy I can't see anything wrong from pictures / other than the wood dowel diameter is to large for the cord width you are using to determine the correct width required 3.142 (Pi) brought to closest decimal is 4 so multiply diameter of dowel 10mm / divided by number of strands you are using eg if dowel is 10mm diameter and you are using 12 strand braid = 10 mm ( diameter of dowel) multiply by (3.142) closest is 4 so you get 4.0 multiply by 10 = 40 divided by number of strands (12) So you need 12 strands approx 3.3mm based on this formula you should be okay Cheers from Australia
  2. Thanks Joe /RC I have this book and the info I require is as a footnote for another start as recommended by Ron Edwards Cheers John
  3. Looking for an Information for an alternative Start for a.... "Triple Stripe/ Goanna Neck Plaited Belt of 18 Strands" As detailed in the "Australian Plaiters & Whipmakers Journal " Article by Barney Belford "APWA" 1994 / April Page 567 Thanks John /Aust
  4. I think your finger jerked when inputting your "country". lol Afghanistan???

  5. G'Day L'B.. The Aussie Strander is by far the easiest you can use it on your forefinger or put it in a vice and use two hands to guide the Hide through .. It has one major fault , the guide is a little bit loose and if your Knot careful the cut strand can slip under the guide and sever itself. Not Good.. Like dancing if you dont try it you will never know.... ( Excuse my Aussie Humour it takes a while to get used to.. The lace maker works from the inside out. okay but you need to form a circular disc for it to work well , But, if you are cutting Kangaroo Hide @ approx $100 .00 a hide you want to cut from the outside in ( Similiar to a pear shape)soas knot to waste any leather I personally use the strander to cut the first cut / stretch the lace and then as a final procedure cut over a round diameter rod. ( There are a few of these illustrated in various Mags ) This keeps the strand down flat and firm Hope this helps , if not just clarify misunderstanding J:Holysheep:
  6. Well done Brian ............... Watch out for the Spring - You are close to the edge ...LOL Can you add me as a friend - I dont have any !!!!! H"Wood:16:
  7. I just looked at your gallery. You do beautiful work. Thanks for sharing.


  8. Hi Louie If you go to the KHWW Site Richard Taubman is advertising his skins there . ( You may wish to email him or set up a time to Skype 0 You will find him to be an honest guy and very helpful ( You can mention my name if you wish ) They are the best selection from Australian and are hand picked by Richard himself prior to export . He is a whipmaker himself as well as a Grazier who resides in Australia the state of NSW. If you discus your requirements as to your needs you will find that you will in future go nowhere else. His Hides are far superior to what you are probably used to, and as a whipemaker your self you will have something in common to talk about He recognises the fact that the USA needs somebody to export quality skins for sale Never ventured nothing gained ps I wouldnt put my name to his business if I didn't think h was the best Hollywood
  9. I manufactured a small piece of Brass Shim micro in thickness ( Not quite sure what you caled it in the States .) tapered to fit under the strand you are cutting ( like a small cutting board ) Push the shim under the strand , pull the strand tight and use a scapel to cut across and at a backward taper . The strand ( Kangaroo especially ) will recind back under the top strand never to be seen again . Using this method you will never cut through the undelaying string and get a perfect bury John
  10. Because its a split number of three either side ( 3 is not dividable by 2 ) you will need to do the opposite on the other sequence ie u1 o2 - 02 u1 or opposite to what the first sequence is !!!! John ps purchase a Ron Edwards book/ books which are easy to follow for variable sequences of Braiding
  11. Well Done Brian !!!!!!! Another knot on the other end and a light coat of shellac will improve it . The knots will stop it flying out of your hands in frustration and the shellac will stop the nervous perspiration staining the leather !!!! Tiger Woods will want one when he sees this !!!!!!! John
  12. Well done Bevan, an engineering masterpiece John ( Port Pirie)
  13. Thanks Brian for the Info All my projects are listed within Gallery / Hollywood John Hey John. They have a website that has there phone number and possible email. The Bead Factory Thanks all for your kind comments. It does wonders for encouragement. Brian...
  14. Nice braiding Brian... Do you have a contact name for the store that you purchased the Sterling Silver end clasps from? They are difficult to find ! John
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