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Everything posted by Airplanedoc

  1. I just picked up a Singer 29-4 (1914) With stand, and a Drawer full of goddies still in North Western Railway envelopes.. It appears to be in great shape, and I got some history. The people I bought it from have had it for 25 years, stored in their garage, they bought it at from a relative who had some financial difficulties. What needles do you all recommend? My Mom is a quilter and will only use Schmetz, but I'm not that fussy as of yet. I paid $200 for it which I think was a pretty good deal, and it was in town so I didn't have to go anywhere. Thanks
  2. Finally got a chance to get on the computer between all important “zoom” it’s Adams leatherwork belt slot template thanks
  3. I’m am trying to find where I saw a acrylic template for belt holes for a holster. As I recall it is fatter on one side than the other, but more or less egg/oval shaped. I’m searching from my phone which is not really convenient, because others are zooming on all our other computers, guess it’s time to get another pc. thanks
  4. My mom quilts a lot. She had a ton of omnigrid brand rulers. Omnigrid also sells omnigrip rulers that are more sticky. They sell a backing you can put on your ruler that looks like clear packing tape that makes the omnigrid more like omnigrip. Its called OMNIgrid Invisigrip its on Amazon, but also at Joanns Fabric.
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