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About SOSHorses

  • Birthday 10/13/1971

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  1. Yep you have the right Waylon. LOL and yes he was much more than the Highwaymen. Hopefully (if life will work with me) I will have the guitar done in a about a week maybe two. I know I would like to get it out of my shop.
  2. This is the purse that I was asking lacing questions about. I had already punched the round holes before another member enlightened me about the flat holes for lacing. The lacing on my next piece will look much better. I also think I got my lacing to far apart on the buck stitch. But it is a lesson learned and I know it is not perfect. I didn't have a pattern or instructions to work from so I think it turned out ok. The lady that commissioned the piece is happy and that is all that really matters. However I can see things that I would do differently next time. For instance I did blacken the leather with Vinagroon this time. I am not sure that I would do that next time. I know it is nicer because the black will never run or rub off but getting the white to be really white over black is a major pita. If anyone has any good ideas on how to make that work better please share. It took MORE than three coats of the Fiebings White Acrylic to cover the black and doing that without losing the detail is a very trying task. I have one more black and white project. An actual Waylon Guitar that I am having the same problem on. Grrr is all I can say.
  3. My newest creation A Waylon Jennings Style Trophy Purse.
  4. I am wondering about black edge dressing. The man who got me started in leather work didn't use it. He said black dye was just as good. However I am discovering there are lots of things that he didn't know or didn't do that make the end product look so much nicer. My question is related to a problem that I am having finising edges. I have a problem with the black dye creeping into the product making it look fuzzy. For example I wanted to make a Horse Headstall to match my saddle and the edges of my saddle are finished with black. So when I finished the tooling and got the color to match my saddle I finished my edges and the black dye creeped into the other areas and fuzzed them with black. Basically ruining my headstall. Does the black edge dressing leave a clean black edge or is it something else that is used to finish the edges black?
  5. What is the purpose of the hole on the lok eye ones?
  6. Sorry I forgot about checking on this thread. It doesn't so long as you use wood spacers under the important parts and insulate the electronic parts. The neck, bridge and all have to be shimmed up. Ollie Stench No there aren't any patterns like this. You just have to lay out the pattern to work around the parts.
  7. I have never used the flat needles. The man who taught me used the round ones and I just never saw a reason to change. I can however see the difference. Thanks for the advice. I don't know who the first one is but I do know who the second one belongs too. ;-) Honestly I HATE lacing and would rather do anything rather than lace a project. However what I am working on has to be laced and unfortunately I am to far along into one of them to change it now. The other one however I can still change since I have not punched the holes. It will make it look alot better. ETA Hey went to order those needles and they only make them that accept the 1/8" lace. The lace I am using is 3/16 of an inch. Are there wider needles?
  8. Well that is about what I have decided too. However I don't use a chisel I use round holes because I use the round lacing needles. Thanks
  9. When using 3/16" wide lace how many holes per inch would you punch. When I use regular 1/8" lace I use a four in one punch for the holes. Of course the punch doesn't make holes big enough for the 3/16" lace to go through. Any suggestions? I don't want to make the holes to far apart but I don't want it bunche looking either.
  10. okay so I bought 1/8 inch lace and the thickness is not consistant. There are places that are super thin and others that are as thick as they are wide. Should I try to split it before I soak it to get the thickness more consistant because trying to do it after it is soaked didn't work at all.
  11. I have a project that needs to be laced with white lace. The only thing that I can find that is close enough to white is Rawhide. The problem I have is it is SOOOOO Stiff. I am afraid it is going to break where it bends. So here is my question. Do you wet it to make it easier to use? If you wet it will it ruin it?
  12. A kid in my local saddle club has this older barrel saddle and the raw hide wrap has come off the horn. Her dad ask me last night if I could re-wrap it for her. I am not sure how to go about starting and I would like to use raw hide again but I am sure she would be happy with leather if I can't manage it otherwise. I was hoping someone could point me in the direction of a tutorial on wrapping horns or show me some photos on how it is done, maybe give me directions.
  13. Thanks! I actually have another one sitting in the shop that I am about to start on. It is based on Waylon's black and white tele. I can't wait to get it finished because I think it is going to look really cool. I am going to use a little thicker leather on this one so I can really give it more depth.
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