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    Saddle making, western style tooling, floral patterns, horse tack, custom designs.

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  1. Hi All, I'm trying to achieve the effect shown in the attached basket stamp. The gel antiques that I have used tend to colour the raised areas of the baskets tamp that I want to remain a natural tone. I thought to apply a finish to the raised areas, but this seems tedious for the effect. Any suggestions on how to accomplish this effect? Thanks! Jason
  2. Thanks for the quick response. I prefer the rigging style found on saddle No. 1 - 3/4 double rigging to the flat plate in-skirt rigging on saddle no. 2. It's only for aesthetic reasons so it's not that big of deal. My tree is a Wade style and resembles saddle no. 2 more closely which is why I opted for that build.
  3. Hi All, New to this site and to saddle building. I have had the Stohlman Encyclopedias for years, but am just beginning my first saddle (no 2 in the encyclopedias) now. The encyclopedias are great and very detailed, but when it comes to modifying their plans there isn't a lot of info on how to do this. For example Al raves about 'Stohlman Style Rigging', but then only uses his style of rigging in one example (Saddle No. 4). I find it odd that he dedicates multiple pages to explaining why his methods are better, but then reverts back to a standard flat plate rigging in saddle no 2. If anyone has had success with using Stohlman's encyclopedias please let me know any tips and tricks to being successful with this guide especially in regards to rigging and deviating from his exact plans. Thanks! Jason
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