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About Bigtyme

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  • Interested in learning about
    leather braiding
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    googled leather braiding.
  1. Bigtyme

    6 plait braid

    I'm making a Bikers get back whip out of three colors I want it to be a diamond braid, but I can't it started right. This may sound crazy, but it seems if I'm not working with multiples of fours i.e. 4, 8, 12, 16 it's hard for me to do if the leather is not one color.
  2. When using the plaiting soap how should it be used? Do you gob it on and braid or let it absorb into the leather first. I used some for the first time and did the later I have a lot of soap residue on my finished braid. If some could show it being applied before the braiding is begone it would a big help. Sterlin
  3. I've made some as well I used Crisco instead of lard tough did not blend it, but I will next time.
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