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  • Location
    Custer, SD
  • Interests
    Cowboy on cow/calf ranch in the Black Hills. Breeder of working Australian Shepherds.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Cowboy gear. Chinks, armitas, working ranch saddles.
  • Interested in learning about
    Improving craftsmanship

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  1. Juki Lu 562, table, speed reducer and motor for sale. $950 Located in Custer SD. I had this machine serviced and set up by a professional sewing business about a year and a half ago. I have used this to sew working cowboy chaps since then. I also rigged up a speed reducer from pulleys and it works really nice. Easy to remove if you don't want to use the speed reducer. When I bought the machine I was told it had been in storage for years and used very little. It's a really nice little set-up and I'm sad to part with it. It's not common to find machines serviced and set up completely with table/motor and ready to start sewing. Put a good chunk of change getting this set up and in working condition so asking $950 or best offer. Only selling to save for a Cobra Class 4 that can sew saddle skirting and other thicker projects. Pick up only unless you know how to arrange shipping for such a heavy, big thing. Let me know if you have any questions. Can take video of it sewing and any other pictures you want. Thanks for viewing. Presley
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