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    leathercraft, hiking, fixing cars

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  1. Good evening all, I just finished my first leather journal a few weeks ago. I tooled a viking serpent on the front: https://imgur.com/gallery/Jsuj1QK As you can see, there are many grooves and crevices in the design. My process went as follows: Dyed leather (black and brown areas) After dye dried for about a day, I applied Tan Kote After Tan Kote dried for a couple hours, I applied Fiebings antique paste making sure to get into all the crevices I let the antique set for about 10 minutes, the wiped off with sheep pad Applied a final Tan Kote to journal My problem: As I bend the cover through normal use, the antique flakes off onto my desk. How could I have prevented this? Through my understanding of how this process works, it seems most likely that the first application of Tan Kote was too thick (even though I was paying attention to use it sparingly) and crept down into the crevices where it didn't belong. Then, once the antique settled down there, it didn't have any leather to adhere to because of the resist nature of Tan Kote. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance for your help.
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