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Everything posted by rmcninch108

  1. I was wanting to know how to remove the scales on the flesh side of alligator tail so it will lay flat. I will post a couple of Pictures to show what I'm talking about, thanks in advance, Robert
  2. I was wanting to know how to remove the scales on the flesh side of alligator tail so it will lay flat. I will post a couple of Pictures to show what I'm talking about, thanks in advance, Robert
  3. Thanks everyone for their advice, sounds like a plan!
  4. I hope someone has an answer for this. When I use line 20 snaps, after setting them the snaps are very hard to snap and unsnap. What am I doing wrong? I even tried the hand held snap setter from Buckle Guy and keep getting the same results. The other setter is from SLC. I keep the post straight so its not crooked. It seems like the male post is mushrooming out some making it tighter on the female? Thanks
  5. Thanks Klara, that is what had me worried. Fiebings makes the "Aussie Cream" .
  6. Frodo, I do Dip Dye 99% "with the containers and funnel" of everything using Fiebings Pro Dye and love the results too. This piece was too large to fit the container so I spounged the Dye. TomE and Dwight, thanks for the Neatsfoot oil tip and less thread tension. I think I will try that also.After I dyed it and saw what happened I went ahead and cut a new pattern thinking it was ruined. My friend who I was making it for, loved the way it looked so I continued on. Thanks everyone for the tips and taking the time to help me out. Robert
  7. I’m not sure which part of the hide I cut from, will pay better attention next time . I like the way the stretch marks look, just paranoid if it might crack later on . Thanks everyone for you advice !
  8. It's not about the blotches of light and dark but the wrinkly lines. The leather was not folded or worked a lot. Do you think the leather could crack at those lines? Thanks so much.
  9. I noticed these lines in my leather briefcase I made for a friend and was wondering what caused this and is there anything to worry about.Made from 6oz. veg-tan, Fiebings Pro Dye, then Leatherbalm with Atoms wax, last rubbed in some Aussie Cream.I apologize for the newbie question, I just am worried of the long term affect it might have. Thanks for helping advance, Robert The marble look of the dye is not what I mean, it is the wrinkle look similar to stretch marks when you look closely.
  10. Your shop looks fantastic! Thanks to everyone for taking the time to share advice and pictures , Robert McNinch 

  11. Thanks everyone for comments, great ideas ! Robert
  12. I am in the process of turning my 2 car garage into my workshop.Will cool and dehumidify with portable AC/Heat unit . The main thing to start is a large 4 ft x 8 ft table for cutting with storage underneath using the round concrete cardboard cement forms . Top will be 3/4 plywood , what if anything should I put on top of table for a cutting surface ? The only equipment I have so far is a Cobra Class 26 sewing machine. I would like to have a Stamping and rivet setting table , smaller cutting area for sewing ,glue and dye table ,The large table for cutting and storage and table with my burnish machine and hand splitter. Thanks for the ideas . Robert
  13. Thanks everyone , I think I will leave as is because this is for the wife and she is happy . I'm afraid of making more of a mess . Valuable lesson learned ! Thanks again !
  14. I think this will have to be one of those lessons learned at this point. Thanks tsunkaspa , garypl for y'alls input .
  15. I used Fiebings Pro dye and paste antique, thanks
  16. I need some help if anyone has an idea. I stamped , stained, antiqued and put Masters Quick shine on exterior of bag . I V gouged where folds would be so it would bend easier . I squirted water on seams before bending to try and make it bend easier and it left these water stains on the outside of the bag. I tried a hair dryer on it and it took away most of stain but still some left . Any ideas would be appreciated , thanks.
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