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Everything posted by gigidept

  1. Hi All, I'm hoping you kind folks have some insight to help. I'm looking for advice on lining. I have a complicated backpack-handbag convertible project I’m working on. There are pockets on both the exterior and interior so this bag is going to need a lining with some structure to it. The client had initially prototyped with a cork-faced fabric, but I found it flaking off. The exterior I think is going to be a 2-3oz veg tan, maybe thicker. Overall dimensions are 14”w x 16”h x 6”d. What kinds of linings would you all suggest? Thanks!
  2. Thanks all for your input! So I guess I'll have to figure out which one is compatible with my machine, so if my machine is a particular Juki clone for example, I should be able to find a compatible one? Or are they more or less universal? Does anyone know if/what the Techsew 2700 is a clone of? I found this thread but the question isn't really answered.
  3. Hi all, I'm contemplating a seam guide for my Techsew 2700. Do people have experience with magnetic ($8 / $10) vs. mounted seam guides(~$100)? Is the expensive one worth the investment? I'm not doing huge volumes. I'm pretty good at making straight seams already but I'm contemplating that this will make it faster/easier/less stressful. How much pressure from the material being sewn can the magnetic guide take? I often sew two layers of 4-5oz veg tan. Thanks in advance!
  4. Thanks fredk, it's unclear from the listing, or at least I can't figure it out; Are these all different sizes, or the same size? It kind of looks like the blade is 3mm on all of them. I have a #2 - not a Barry King but rather a Craftool - and it's too big. I want a finer effect which is why I'm going for the #0-1 size. That being said, I have been salivating over the Barry King line. Could you elaborate on why they're worth the difference in price over say Craftool? (Aside from the obvious that the money would be going to support a real artisan rather than a factory).
  5. Also realized I posted this in the wrong section of the forum. Moderators can move it? Or shall I repost in the correct area?
  6. oops i mistyped - meant to say bevel, not skive. There are interests unlisted, though perhaps i took that section of the bio too literally. Didn't realize that it would be displayed next to every post ha.
  7. Still available? I'm in Canada
  8. Hi All, I am in search of a small edge beveler, a size 0 or 1, on a budget, and thought I'd get your advice before purchasing. I use it for skiving 1-2oz straps that are glued back to back and stitched together, resulting in a 2-4oz thickness total. Does anyone have experience using the Craftmaster Standard 5-in-1 Edger Set? I read the reviews on the SLC website, and they are paltry and mixed, so I don't put too much stock into them. (I have a sharpening stone so can sharpen tools myself.) Or should I go with The Craftmaster Common Edger? or the Osborne Commone Edge Beveler? Or the Osborne Bissonnette Beveler? So many options.
  9. Thank you all for your feedback and help, which have inspired me to look into replacement heads for my other rotary tool (a vintage Maun "home-crafts kit" which has various punches but lacks most of the standard punch sizes) - it looks like Maun Industries still exists and might have replacement heads! https://www.maunindustries.com/universal-punch-plier/ Still doing some research but maybe this could at least with minimal investment keep me going until I can afford the CAD$80 Craftool pro forged one. That is, if the shipping doesn't cost more than the product... Non-existent unfortunately :|
  10. When I was just starting out I got a cheap metal rotary punch. Fast forward to a few years later and the handle deforms more and more every time I use it to the point that it's unusable. I've tried forcing it back into place but without much success. I think the metal is too stressed. Is there anything I can do to to resuscitate it? Swap out a handle for a different handle? What kind of place would repair these? I hate throwing things out.
  11. Yep definitely. It was a machine work type budget. thank you! =) love that place
  12. Hi everyone, longtime lurker, new member. I got into leatherwork because I fell in love with the look & feel of leather and how it reacts to being manipulated. I learned the basics from The Make Den and have been teaching myself with every project using the internet since. There's so much to learn! I like to use a veg-tan and recycled leathers, and work with the imperfections of the material. Here's a tool pouch I custom made for someone recently.
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