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Everything posted by z33

  1. I am new and have been reading a lot on brass and leather and pH and verdigris. I make leather belts, and while brass and brown leather look beautiful, I feel time will not be kind. I have already make the mistake of using neatsfoot oil on my leather. I am now given to understand that neatsfoot is acidic, and so I theorize it may promote corrosion of brass? I do not know. I have read about benzotriazole, which is soluble in alcohol and warm water. I am wondering if micro spot treating just around the brass where it touches the leather is a good idea. I have also read about L-cysteine in PEG400 which is used to preserve wood/brass. I am wondering if n-acetyl-cysteine dissolved in water could be used to micro-treat the leather-brass interface; the water will dry, leaving the cysteine behind. I have no clue if it will be effective. I am also wondering if a borax solution can similarly be used very carefully; leather has a usual pH of 3 to 5 and borax is alkaline and can dry out leather - but would minute quantities just at the metal-leather interface protect the brass?
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