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  1. I am looking for hardware to make a set of french brass tugs for driving saddle. Does anyone have a good link to supplier for driving hardware in the USA or that Ships to USA for a reasonable price? I have found a few basic sites but no one that has quality driving hardware that I can find. Looking for driving harness hardware brass high quality if possible. Picture for reference will try to post something better quality soon.
  2. I recently came across an N Porter saddle Phoenix AZ Looking to see if @BNEWTONP can provide info on history from serial number if possible. I was told by my trainer that I would not be disappointed with quality of these saddles and they were right. I saw in one post that you thought you should write a book and wanted to let you know you have two sold if you ever do!.... If your able to help that would be great to find the year this saddle was made and some history on the maker. 9556 looks like number imprinted on this one. Appreciate any feedback on the history.
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