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    Alberta, Canada
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    Shoe making

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  1. Thanks so much Wizcrafts- I will check and see if those things happen when I adjust.
  2. I've got a Brother LS3-C51 but for the life of me cannot find a manual. I know there are some similar machines out there (techsew, consew, etc...) and I've found info on those ones which has been helpful but my machine has a few different parts and I am wondering what these are. Maybe it's an easy answer from some of you experts but I'm a newbie. I've attached a photo with arrows indicating the 2 parts. The black one turns and has a white divot dot on top. And the silver one screws up and down. What are these for and do I need to oil them or set them or??? If anyone does know where to get a manual I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks so much!
  3. Thanks kgg! You are a wealth of knowledge and I'm thankful for the Canadian info too!
  4. Awesome, thank you- learning so much as I go. It's an expensive hobby to make a mistake in (buying the wrong machine) so I'm hesitant to go for anything. But like I said- I've learned a lot so am closer to a decision than when I started. : - )
  5. Thanks Wiz! Great feedback! For decorative stitching it is tempting- but I have only space for 1 machine so might pass and keep looking. Thanks for all the info again!
  6. Hi again, I have found a used Singer 31K15- would this be a good buy for my needs? (if working and in good condition etc...) Also if needed could I replace the motor with a servo and speed reducer if needed (not sure how difficult (possible?) It is on this machine..., I'm pretty handy, can change car oil, brakes, etc...)? Just want to double check if this machine could probably sew through 3 layers of soft 3-4 oz leather? But I would mostly be doing 2 layers. Thanks!
  7. Thank you everyone for your thoughts and time. Looks like I need to do some more research and look into some straight stitch machines as well. Thanks kgg for the info on Reliable and Mac 1- I will contact them and see what I can arrange. I'm sure it's wonderful having so many machine options but for a newbie like me it's hard to keep everything straight! Thanks again, I'm so grateful.
  8. Hello everyone, after hours of searching and reading many posts with titles like 'help choosing sewing machine', I have learned a lot but still dont have a firm answer for myself on a machine for thinner leather. So my apologies if this topic has already been covered and I missed it. I am looking for advice on purchasing a machine that will sew thinner leather- mostly 1-4 oz, up to 3-4 layers thick. I am currently using a cheap Chinese shoe patcher (hand crank), which is working great but I need a motor and want to use both hands to hold the leather (and I would like cleaner, straighter stitches). I do not plan to sew anything thicker (holsters, belts, saddles, etc..). I think I have decided on the following: Max thread: 207 (138 might be fine too) Foot lift: 3/8" is likely fine although 1/2" would be nice Walking foot (but on this I am not sure if a roller foot would be better?) Cylinder bed- which I plan to buy or build a flatbed attachment for. From what everyone has said, I think these machines would suit my needs: CB 227R, Juki 341, consew 2700, CB341, Cobra 26. Are there any other similar clones I am missing? I am hoping to spend up to 2.5k (CDN$) My first big question is- will the above machines happily sew a couple layers of 1oz leather, and a couple layers of 3 oz leather (as that is what I will primarily be sewing)? Or should I be looking for something even more 'light duty'? Will they also sew canvas, and other non leather materials? My second question is- might I be happy enough with a Barracuda 200ZW? I know this is not a cylinder machine and I think is a single feed? My one real complaint with the shoe patcher (other than working 1 handed and not being motorized) is that sometimes when going over seams or when sewing 2 layers of more 'slippery' material (sheepskin), the bottom layer can slip off the edge of the bed or a layer bunches (due to the foot slipping on the material and not feeding through). Would I likely have the same problem with a single feed machine? The zigzag option does appeal to me as well. And I'm thinking if I can get by with this machine for a year or so to see how much I use it, it might be a cheaper "test" than the costlier machines. But I dont want to give up in frustration because my machine is pathetic or waste $700 and have to go buy a 2-3k machine in a month. This is a hobby, that although I would like to turn into a side business, I likely won't. Therefore, I'm not sure I want to spend 2-3k on something I may not get money back on/ use for a year or two and then only minimally. But I also don't really want to buy something that I can't grow into, where I've reached its max potential on my first project. I live in (very) rural Alberta, the Cobra 26 has been quoted to me at $3500 (CDN) from Longview leather, and I would still have to go pick it up. The consew on the website is about $3k with shipping and speed reducer, and I cant seem to find any cowboy dealers. Any Alberta (Canada) people found better options? Ive been looking for used the past 5 months but seems there are more flatbeds and heavier leather options (441s), and not seeing anything for thinner leather. Does anyone know if there is a place that would let me demo a barracuda machine? Thanks! I am impressed by all the knowledge here and appreciate this resource very much.
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