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Everything posted by Onidori

  1. One thing i would like to really make a point to say to you all is: thak you. I have gotten a lot of great responses and information from you all, and have gotten nothing but a friendly, warm welcome from this community, which can be a very rare thing to find in any hobby/trade, which tend to be full of condescending and standoffish "veterans". So far that has not at all been the case and i want you to know it is appreciated.
  2. Ironically, watching videos from Tandy and Weaver on their obling punches is what brought this question up in my mind. I could see in the videos the apparent quality difference between the 2, as well as their fit & finish and build quality. Then, when i physcially went in to the local Tandy store and saw their oblong punches, i was rather disappoineted and immediately knew something was up. So i started searching the internet, and thats how i wound up here.
  3. I do plan on following the given advice and piece mealing my tool kits together, what im trying to find out is who to buy FROM, and what brand of tools are worth it, or what are junk. What im asking is, do i avoid Tandy's tools because they are garbage? Or are they good? Are Weaver's tools better quality than Tandy's? (Which seems to be what im picking up, Weavers tools tend to be better made and more geared toward the professional, while Tandy's are more for the beginner). Avoid both altogether and go with a different brand? Thats the information im trying to gather. Not what do i buy, but WHO do i buy them from? What tool manufacturers are the best to invest my money in to (build and material quality)?
  4. Honestly, i plan on dabbling in/making everything and anything. Basically whatever i want or need that would require leather, or whatever i could sell. I realize that everyone says that at first, but its something ive been planning on at least experimenting with for a while. Specifically at this moment, im going to focus on making knife sheaths of varying types, belts, holsters, axe head covers, axe shaft protectors, pouches, bags & purses, wallets, coasters, etc. Eventually, id like to expand in to making clothing (especially period correct/reproduction clothing), jackets, vests, book covers/bindings, decorative pieces, vests, and even vehicle trim. Im not exactly clear on what you mean by "tooling", though.
  5. As a follow up question to the original post, which tools are better? Tandy's? Weaver's? Different brand(s) altogether? I am also just starting out and kond of lost with all the different tools and selections, and was pondering buying a kit as well (Tandy had a "complete starter kit for about $600). As it looks to me right now, Weaver's tools look nicer/more visually appealing, and that leads me to believe they are better put together and higher quality, but i could be very wrong about this, IDK. Any advice or information on the subject would be greatly appreciated, as id really like to put my limited budget to the best quality i can (within reason).
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