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    Leather painting

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    Leather painting and horse tack
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  1. I’ve done a little more research on it, and I read some people say to use a deglazer to get the finish off? Is that something that could work?
  2. I posted this on another forum, but I didn’t get any responses. I figured I probably just posted it in the wrong spot! I’m wanting to start a tack painting business, but I want to have all the information before I get started. I want to buy already made, tooled tack, and use leather paint to paint it. Somebody at work mentioned to me that you can’t just paint already made tack because it’s been oiled? Is this true and if it is, is there anything I can do about it, or do I have to make my own tack to be able to paint it? Any help I can get or any other information I need to know would be great! Thanks in advance!!
  3. Hey y’all!! I’m looking to start a horse tack painting business, and I can’t find much information on the painting part specifically for tack. I don’t want to make my own tack, I just want to buy it wholesale and paint it. I know I need leather paint, the tack needs to already be tooled and all that, but what else do I need to know? Somebody mentioned today at my work that I couldn’t paint already made tack because it was oiled? Is that true? If it is, is there something I can do about it or somewhere I can buy already tooled tack that hasn’t been oiled? All I can find is tack blanks that haven’t been tooled and haven’t been made into the whole piece yet.I painted a tooled belt using regular acrylic paint and have worn it almost daily for a couple months, it it still looks great other than where the buckle holes are. Any help I can get would be great! Thank y’all in advance!!
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