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  • Location
    San Francisco
  • Interests
    Tubas and trombones

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Gig bags for musical instruments
  • Interested in learning about
    Sewing leather
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  1. Thanks, MtlBiker! I will pick one of those up.
  2. Thanks to you all. I appreciate it! I have ordered the smaller magnetic guide on eBay and we will see how it works.
  3. Can you folks recommend an edge guide for a Consew 206RB? I often sew long, straight stretches of leather or fabric and would like to make my stitch line parallel to the edge. By hand, I can do a decent job. But I would like to make it cleaner looking. Thanks!
  4. Can I ask if you are using the box-style reducer or the SR-2 with your machines?...
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