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Posts posted by BoogieMan2718

  1. On 11/2/2022 at 1:02 PM, doubleh said:

    I have never owned one. I use the size hole punch I want on each end and cut the sides out with the appropriate sized wood chisel. When I started this long ago I had the wood chisels and not much money. It worked and I have stuck with it. 

    This is what I have been doing minus using a wood chisel to connect the dots. That is brilliant and I think I will give that a try first. I am thinking you can probably get really clean slots with this method.

    Do you have any good tricks for round ends and English points?

    On 11/4/2022 at 12:20 PM, Matt S said:

    My strategy with tools is thus. It's partially based on having a small workshop:
    (1) Unless you luck into a ridiculously good bargain or something usually unobtainable, only buy tools as you need them not as you find them. There's not much sense in having money and space tied up with "just in case" tools that you never use, except for emergency/safety stuff. I'm glad to have that fire extinguisher on the wall and would be happy if I never have to use it, but I don't see it as a waste of money or space. I don't know why I have 3 different sets of loop sewing jaws when none of them fit my sewing clams.
    (2) If you're confident that a tool will help you, buy they best quality tool you can afford -- a good quality tool will last longer, be repairable/serviceable, will retain more value if you decide to sell it on, will help you work faster/easier/cleaner and will be cheaper in the long run ("cost per use") over a lower quality one. Generally price correlates with quality. A few years ago I needed a 1.5" crew/oblong punch and bought an Ivan (cheap, from Taiwan) for £25. It crumpled on the second hole. I bought a replacement from Osborne (made in USA) at double the price and it's many times the value to me in terms of a clean and consistent cut, reliability, and ease of use. Inflation also means that, were I to sell it tomorrow, I would probably break even on what I paid for it as well as the the value of what I made with it. That Ivan brand steel pretzel now has almost zero value.
    (3) If you're not sure whether a tool will help you evaluate its utility by borrowing one or buying the cheapest version that will function for your intended use. If it's useful use it until it wears out or holds you back and replace it with the best quality version you can find.
    (4) Every so often, declutter by putting everything you haven't used in a while into a box. Put that box somewhere a bit inconvenient, so if you suddenly need to use it you can get it. If you haven't used that tool for a while you probably don't use it and can sell it or give it away. Again, this doesn't apply to the fire extinguisher or a tool that you genuinely use for an occasional specific job.
    (5) At the risk of echoing rule #1: if you're not a collector you don't need every tool. If you're happy making a crew slot with a round punch and a knife, keep doing it!

    Very good points you have made here. I am trying to keep the tools at a minimum and find ways to use individual tools for multiple uses. Also, I have become a believer in the "buy once cry once" line of thinking for tools that get a lot of use. Thanks for the input.

  2. Hello, I am still relatively new to leatherwork as a hobby and I have bought all of the basic tools I need and made a few tools as well.

    I would love to have a set of good oblong punches but they are quite pricey!

    So, in your experience, if you could only have one size of oblong punch to do as much different punching as possible what width and length would it be?

    I have already considered making sure it is short because I can always step it forward to lengthen the punched area.

    Also, I have been looking at C.S. Osborne, but does anyone have any other good brand recommendations?

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