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Everything posted by sportycliff

  1. Not a better day at all. Replaced tensioning system, and adjusted Re-timed hook to factory specs Needle bar 2.4 mm up from bottom .5 mm needle gap, 1-1.5 mm above eye Best I can do on ONE layer of 2.4 mm veg tan...Knots on top And occasional loops on bottom, and a crappy stitch.
  2. While I guess anything's possible, it sews perfectly on my other machine, and on lighter bag leathers. I'll swap it out with something different first thing. I think @wiz may be onto something with the timing. I've changed the timing twice since he posted and had worse results, and slightly better results. I'll try again tomorrow as my arthritis is telling me it's time to quit. I also receive a new tensioner in the mail today, I'll put the timing back to where it was and try that tomorrow just to rule it out, then go back to the timing...will post back.
  3. Leatherpoint, brand new. I will chk the timing.
  4. Bottom thread full tension...2 layers 2.3 mm
  5. With the foot down there is a gap between the actuating rod and the rearmost disc, no contact. Had tensioner art several times, perhaps minor scuffing on the plating, but no discernable wear. New machine yes, but not new to machines. It's threaded properly and you cannot pull thread when engaged.
  6. #1 Checked and OK #2 Bobbin tension OK, tried needles up to two size larger than called for (24)
  7. Good Morning Good people! I have a Mitsubishi CU-865 cylinder arm that I've been fussing with for a little while. (factory servo with box style reducer via Toledo) Lately I tend to make bags, but was hoping that it would help with some other work as well. My first question, SHOULD this machine be capable of tensioning the thread (138) well enough to properly sew two layers of 6 oz veg? As of now it won't...I'll stop here. Snagged this photo from another post just for reference. Thanks...Cliff
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