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  1. Thank you Mike. We know both of those firms. District is not that far from us.
  2. Hi: Wondering if anyone knew if there was a leather splitting service in or around the east Tennessee Knoxville area? Thank you Chuck
  3. Hi: We broke a needle in the TechSew 1660 and the clutch will not release. Tried the handle and clutch button separately and together and still does not release. Was wondering in anyone had some ideas how to get it to reset? Thank you Chuck
  4. Thank you, is not black, looks more like mildew. Can wipe it off, but if you leave it alone for a while and it reappears. Going to follow your advice along with the guy who said add a fan to the storage area. Thank you Chuck
  5. Thank you. Also saw a video on using diluted lemon juice with water, then when drying (air dry) and apply neetsfoot and buff. Like the idea of the fan. Thank you for that input. Chuck
  6. Hi: We live in the east Tennessee mountains and build some leather products that we sell on our site. It is wet here and we store our hides in a flat area that has an outside wall (concrete filled) that faces the mountain. We have noticed that some of the hides have a form of mold, especially ones that we have had for a while. Someone we know whom we sent some products to evaluate noticed that the two products they used daily were fine, but the others when left in the box formed a soft milky like substance which we are thinking is mildew or mold. Is there a way to clean these hides without damaging the leather? Thank you Chuck
  7. Hi: Some of the hides we get that are veg tan come in a bit opaque when new. When we want to clean up the image we have been hand buffing with canvas, but this takes a long time. Was wondering if anyone else had found a way to shorten this process? Thank you Chuck
  8. Thank you both, we look into the Columbus wax.
  9. Hi: Was wondering if there is a material or method that can be used to seal seams on a given project. For example if you are building a wallet and have several thin layers that come out to the edge, multiple stacked card folders for example, is there a method or material that will fill in the exposed seams to give a smooth edge? We've been sanding and that gets the edges uniform but a small seam line still shows. Thank you Chuck
  10. Hi: Looking for a good source of colored true vegetable tanned leather and wondered if some on here would have some info. Thank You Chuck
  11. Thank you Ferg, makes sense. We re timed the machine and then stitches looked better but needle failure. So larger makes sense. Thank you Rahere for the thought. We need to stay with machines for now. 138 is not a whole lot thicker than 92 so will give that a try.
  12. Hi: We are building some new things that, at one point are thicker. When we sew 3 pieces of veg tan together it comes to about 22 - 24 ounces of leather. We have been breaking needles and wondered if we should be moving up in size and thread? This is on a Juki 1508, using Schmetz size 21 needles and Superior Thread 92 size bonded nylon. Anyone have input and thoughts? Thank you Chuck
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