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Everything posted by Aaaron

  1. Hello all! Does anyone know where to purchase Togo leather online? Couldn't seem to find it online.
  2. Hey there! I’m thinking of making a wallet fully made out of shell cordovan. Was wondering if it’s a good idea to thin shell cordovan for the inner card slots? And if so, what is the maximum I should thin it too? Thank you (People have been saying it’s a waste to thin shell cordovan but the wallet I’m making have many card slots, so the overall wallet will become super thick. Just wondering how do you guys do it??)
  3. Hey there! May I ask how does one make card slots out of Pueblo leather? (Especially if it has been thinned to 1mm or less) I recently worked with Pueblo leather for the card slots of my wallet and it stretches a lot more as compared to other leathers. Was wondering how do y’all make Pueblo leather card slots without it stretching too much? It gets difficult to work with when it is flimsy and stretchy too :/. (Attached photo is taken off the web as reference )
  4. Thank you @fredk and thank you @Tugadude! If i were to include a lining, would y'all recommend using felt or velvet as the lining instead?
  5. Hey fellow crafters! I recently made a leather ipad sleeve and the flesh side of the leather makes it difficult to remove from the sleeve itself. Do you just leave it as it is to season the sleeve after multiple times of "ins and outs" or would you use lining? And if lining is used, what material do you use? Thank you in advance!
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