I actually have some experience on a Juki from years ago when I worked at a marine canvas shop. I'm just curious if I'm limited to like 4 oz combined thickness or therabouts with this machine.
I was just offered this Necchi Supernova for free. I am interested in sewing messenger bags and zipper padfolios. How thick of leather can I sew on this?
I want to make my own version of Galen Leather's Medic Bag and I have created a 3-D pattern with tape and posterboard. What do I need to consider as far as accounting for leather thickness. I'm thinking the leather will be around 5-6 oz. I have made some totes and zipper pouches but this is a little trickier and I don't want to waste too much of my good leather. I also need to reinforce the panel for holding pens. I've seen a few youtube videos about accounting for thickness but I thought I would throw it out to you guys for some real advice.
Here's a link to the bag.
The Aiskaers are great. They come with a little case and after I polished them up, they pull out of the leather very easily. Hindsight, I should have gone with 5mm. Wider stitches, less stitching.