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  • Location
    Western Canada
  • Interests
    all things leather

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    belts, wallets etc.
  • Interested in learning about
    all phases of leatherwork
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    surfing net

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  1. Thanks for your reply, that is what I am looking for, unfortunately they want $49.00 shipping.
  2. Hi, newby looking for reasonable cost belt blanks 48 to 50 by 11/2. I have purchased several pieces of leather but none have the length needed. I live in Western Canada. Looking for veg-tan 8-10 oz. Thanks Terry
  3. Thanks for your replies, the clear jar might be the problem. Terry
  4. Hi guys and girls, I am fairly new and am having a problem with glue, I researched and settled on Lepages heavy duty contact cement. I bought a pint and poured some into my glue jar ( home made with a brush sealed thru lid ) after a few days the glue separated with a layer of thin liquid on top, tried mixing it with little success. I believe the top and brush are air tight. I tried a small test but it does'nt seem to hold much. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Terry
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