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  • Location
    Central Kentucky, Harrodsburg
  • Interests
    Leather, Vintage cars and trucks, motorcycles....mostly Life in general

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  1. SARK9, Rodneywt1180b, and DonInReno...Thanks for your input and advice. I will be looking for a different machine.
  2. First of all I am a new member to this site so, Hi to everyone. I am new to leatherwork and I was thinking.....has anybody ever put a servo motor and speed reduction pulley system on a vintage domestic sewing machine. I obtained a 1954 Necchi Mira machine that runs like a champ, but is lacking in power that is needed. I will just be using it for maybe a couple of pieces of 4-5 oz and less. I can now work through a piece of 4-5 pull up chrome tan and apiece of 4-5 oz veg tan if I put flesh side of chrome tan to the feed dogs. Should I just save this money and apply it to a walking foot machine? ....any thoughts ,suggestions and experience would be greatly appreciated. Thanks NOTE: I know this is a domestic machine but it seems to be well built and no plastic except for on the light bulb holder. It will sew through much heavier pieces but I don't want to abuse this machine. Thanks again, Mike. I posted this in how do I do that but figured it was the wrong place.
  3. First of all I am a new member to this site so, Hi to everyone. I am new to leatherwork and I was thinking.....has anybody ever put a servo motor and speed reduction pulley system on a vintage domestic sewing machine. I obtained a 1954 Necchi Mira machine that runs like a champ, but is lacking in power that is needed. I will just be using it for maybe a couple of pieces of 4-5 oz and less. I can now work through a piece of 4-5 pull up chrome tan and apiece of 4-5 oz veg tan if I put flesh side of chrome tan to the feed dogs. Should I just save this money and apply it to a walking foot machine? ....any thoughts ,suggestions and experience would be greatly appreciated. Thanks NOTE: I know this is a domestic machine but it seems to be well built and no plastic except for on the light bulb holder. It will sew through much heavier pieces but I don't want to abuse this machine. Thanks again, Mike.
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