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Everything posted by CZernoch

  1. Thank you. I didn't know about Shärffix. Do you have experience with blades? How often is necessary change a blade?
  2. Hello, I'm looking for skiving machine primary for making watch strap. Until now i skived by hand parts in wallets and cardholders, but thinning in full area for watch stap is nightmare. I want buy high quality machine. I found rebuild skiving machine Fortuna SM 50 from company Sieck (for 2000 EUR). Is ti good idea buy machine like this or try to find some new machine from cheaper company? Thank you best regards ZČ
  3. I'm looking primary for for bag/belt hardware. In future maybe for BDSM hardware.
  4. Hey guys! I am looking for high quality stainless steel hardware. I'm from Europe so I prefer company from EU. Where to buy it in small numbers? I found Abbey England and Pethadware but I have doubt about quality. Do you have any experiance with them? Many thanks ZC.
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