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  1. Wondering if the OP ever resolved this problem with 138 in the bobbin? I'm having the same challenge on my 206RB-1 and have gone over all the recommendations from above and have not had any success.
  2. Feel free to copy and modify it for other videos!
  3. Yes, I did make the spreadsheet and added it to my three ring binder with various other 206RB manuals. I find the spreadsheet an easy and quick resource in finding specific adjustments. I'm glad you find it useful. Feel free to share with others also.
  4. The hook assembly will not be able to go back in unless either the needle is up, or there is no needle installed. Check out these two videos for setting up your Consew 206. These two videos are pretty long, but the go into great detail on how to set the timing and general maintenance of your machine. The first few seconds of each video will give you time stamps for the various topics. Here's a spreadsheet that you can print out for easy reference for the videos. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OlHlEmD9kjYIXMBq15rlYHqlgqbxVezX_NnphFKOmtw/edit?usp=sharing
  5. From what I can tell, there are different ways to keep track of the needle position. One would be to only use a sensor that would keep a constant and absolute position of the needle, another way would be for the sensor to only to keep track of the needle every 360 or 180 degrees of rotation and compare that to where the motor position is. The position sensor that I purchased only provides a position pulse every 180 degrees. Just my thought on why some systems would work and some do not.
  6. Just as an update, I was able to get the needle position sensor to work without the speed reducer. The motor and sensor that from Gold Star Tool must use a different type of sensor than that sold with the Techsew machines. I guess next time I'll have to check with the vendor directly to see if their motor and NPS actually work with a speed reducer.
  7. No parts on the reversing lever appear to be worn, nor do any parts on the machine. It's almost like a new old stock machine! I do like the idea of placing a shim under the cover plate and I might even print up a new #10 part with slightly different dimensions to make up for the differing stitch lengths. Any other ideas on how to resolve the differing stitch lengths?
  8. I'm trying to adjust the reverse stitch length on my 206RB-1 and can't seem to figure out how. It looks like I need to get in and adjust the Feed Regulating Screw, but cannot seem to figure out how to gain access to it. Any ideas on how to adjust the reverse stitch length to more closely match the forwards stitches?
  9. Thank you very much for the user manual Gregg! Parameter N.4 was set to on, yet I'm still not getting any kind of consistency on where the needle stops. Could you provide the generic settings that are required to have the needles stop in the down position?
  10. I double checked the mounting adapter and all is tight. Other machines come to mind, Techsew, do have both a speed reducer and a synchronizer that appears to work well. Maybe they use a much higher quality synchronizer?
  11. I recently installed a New Tech 750w brushless motor on my Consew 206RB-1 with a speed reducer. After getting the needle position synchronizer installed, I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get it to recognize when the needle is up or down. Does anyone have experience with this equipment? When I have the positioner turned on, there is no consistency as to where the needle stops, making it hard to figure out what is going on.
  12. It looks like the Organ 135X16 DPX16 Leather Needles do in fact have an LR or RTW. On some listings, the point type is not stated, but the MFG PN does state LR point. I hope this helps someone in the future! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0773KBM6N/ref=twister_B0773KS1L8?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
  13. It looks like the Organ 135X16 DPX16 Leather Needles do in fact have an LR or RTW. On some listings, the point type is not stated, but the MFG PN does state LR point. I hope this helps someone in the future! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0773KBM6N/ref=twister_B0773KS1L8?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
  14. Does anyone have a current source for 135x16 LR needles? I've called Bob a few times and have left messages to no avail.
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