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  • Location
    new berlin Wisconsin
  • Interests
    knifemaker mechanical engineer

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    knife sheaths
  • Interested in learning about
    Luberto #9
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  1. I have a Luberto #9 that's tuned up and running beautifully.` It comes with the stand, clutch motor and a whole bunch of extras including service manual on DVD and VHS, a lot of thread, stirrup plate, left, right and center jump feet. add on table, edge guide and a few others extras that i cant think of right now. Pick up in Milwaukee Wisconsin, 53151, or pay for crating and shipping to 53151. $3200 Pictures soon, i have a lot but they're all bigger than 1.46mb
  2. is this still available?
  3. I'll do that, thank you very much.
  4. I'm a new member but I've been on this site for awhile now. I make handmade custom knives and i got tired of hand stitching my sheaths so i just purchased a Luberto#9 from a local retired sheath maker. I bought the service DVD from tony Luberto and tried to tune it up but I'm still having a few issues that aren't covered in the DVD. Tony has been extremely helpful so far, he is a great source of information and a great guy. Im looking forward to learning from other Luberto owners and hopefully i can contribute some useful information as well. Thanks Michael www.adammichaelknives.com
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