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  1. thanks - just took my time... happy with the result!
  2. Thanks Klara - I'm trying to make it look worn. It's a finishing effect I haven't yet mastered. It's all veg tan in the pics - you can see how the peeling starts, but it's really time consuming - just trying to find a better way to peel away the top layer. Yup! - trying to imitate the fake leather cracking/peeling on nice veg tan!
  3. Hi gang! working on a project, and wondering if anyone has a suggestion on how to easily 'peel off' a thin top layer on the smooth side of veg-tan leather? I've done a small section with an exacto knife, and it took a long time - I have a big surface to do. Thinking some kind of thin file or skiver of some sort? pics for reference - project will be dyed black like in the pic. Any help is surely appreciated!
  4. having the same problem! little wool fibers sticking all over my projects... any other suggestions when using wool? I've done my best every time to pull out excess fibers but they still show up !
  5. Hi Forum folks! wondering if anyone has ever achieved this effect before, and could offer any guidance. I love the look of how this artist made the tooled image glow white. Any ideas on how this may be achieved?
  6. that is just insane! great work!!
  7. thanks for the replies you guys - great advice
  8. Tandy p/n 9827-71 Premium sueded split back - made in mexico... think this one will transfer dye ?
  9. Hi Folks! - need your advice. I bought some black thin suede to line some biker masks I'm making. Should I be concerned with bleed through on the face when using the mask on a hot summer day? I'm concerned that if I glue and stitch in a liner, I'll eventually have to rip it out, because my face keeps getting dyed black from the suede! or, is there a spray finisher that will prevent the bleed through? many thanks for your help!
  10. thanks everyone! great advice, and I will certainly use it all
  11. If I've painted the entire project with white Angelus paint, won't that act as a resist? I've read a few posts on here from folks who say it works like a resist. Then when I apply the antique, it will remain in the tooled areas to give depth, and when wiped off, I should still have the white background - though, I have also read it may discolor the acrylic paint somewhat.
  12. Thanks for all the advice everyone! I'll give some of these techniques a go
  13. Hi everyone! 2nd post, and very new to leatherwork. I'm working on a 2nd mask, and looking for some guidance on applying Gel Antique to specific areas of the mask, vs. wiping it over the entire mask. I've watched several videos on applying Gel Anqitue, and they all show the apply liberally, wipe off excess. I've asked the original designer of the mask in the pic below how to achieve the effect. He mentioned that after painting a base white Angelus coat, and adding black angelus to the nose, he applies black Gel Antique to specific areas, and wipes off excess. With everything I've seen with adding Gel Antique, wiping off excess would add more black to areas not meant to have the gel. I'm guessing I would darken the mask trying to wipe off the gel, and it would make the overall mask more black (not wanted), vs white, which is what i'm going for like the pic. Can anyone recommend how to add Gel Antique in specific areas, and wipe off, without dragging the gel into areas that are not meant to have the gel added? Is spot antiquing something that is done? Would I just add it in specific areas, and wipe it off with a wool dauber, vs using a cloth? How could i ever add it around the teeth, and keep the teeth mainly white? I appreciate any help/guidance from the talented members here
  14. My first post on this super helpful forum. I started making leather masks about a month ago, after downloading some patterns from a talented leather worker on Etsy. I'm almost done with my 1st mask, the Punisher. I used Fiebings pro dye as base, and added Angelus flat white over that. I plan on finishing it with Angelus flat finisher, but before I do that, I was looking for some advice on how to add some 'distress, weather, rustness' to the white. My mask is below, as are two examples of how the original designer finished his masks. If anyone has any suggestions on how to achieve the weather look, I'd love to hear from you - I have some scrap flat white leather, where I plan to do tests, before I attempt the mask face.
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