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About BethanyDunn

  • Rank
    New Member

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Dog collars
  • Interested in learning about
    Finishes, dyes, and paints on leather
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    Searching the internet

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  1. Thank you so much! With the resolene, that should coat the entire surface to protect the dye and the paint, correct? How many coats is typically best? Also, should I cover the hardware with tape or something before spraying the resolene, or will it be fine to leave it bare?
  2. I made my brother a surprise collar for his new dog and it was my first time working with leather. It isn’t sealed yet, but I wanted to post the almost finished piece here and see what you guys think. 1. What is the best way to finish/seal this? I used Fiebings Leather Color dye (black) and Plaid FX flexible acrylic paint (created to use on cosplay items, etc. but thought I’d try it out). I have Resolene, but am not sure if that’s the best thing to use or how I should go about applying it (brush, spray, etc). 2. What do you guys see that you like, that could be improved on, or a different feature that you enjoy on collars that I could try in the future?
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