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  • Location
    Stockton AL 36579
  • Interests
    Church, family, fishing and leather work.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Bets, wallets, sheaths, book covers, pancake holsters
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  1. Ok thanks for this info. I will go back to the owner and see what he knows about it’s history.
  2. This one shows made in Hartford Connecticut. I’ll try to get more info on it. Thanks again
  3. I have a request for a holster for a Randall Combat 45. Looks like the 1911 copy to me. I have not been able to fine a blue gun for this model. Can someone advise where I can find a blue gun for this model or what other 1911 style blue gun, if any, will work for the molding of the holster? Thanks for any and all input.
  4. Thanks guys for the opinions. I think I’ll just save that extra cash!
  5. I am about to pull the trigger on a new Cobra Class 4. This will be my first machine. I have a lot to learn of course. I am generally a tinker so I’m not worried much about maintenance, tensions, different feet and plates, and learning the ends and outs of the machine. My question is this, should I go for the EPS system or not? I am concerned that the EPS might be too much to take on since this is my first machine. Seems like I would have more control manually versus having to learn the extra pedal control to operate the EPS. Am I missing something? Does the EPS make things easier for a first timer? Is it really needed at all? I will be using it to sew belts, holsters, and sheaths. Thanks for any input and guidance. Jeff
  6. Thanks for the info!
  7. Hello. I recently inherited an old 1953 Singer 66K. The machine is in wonderful working order. I am in the market for a machine to see my tooled wallets, belts, book covers, sheaths and consealed pancake style holsters. I am wondering if the Singer that I have would sew the lighter stuff like the wallet interiors? Mostly 2 layers of 2-3 oz veg tan for the interiors. Will the Singer 66 handle this and if so, what size needles and thread? Next question is, what machine would be best to sew the rest of my products on? I mostly use veg tan and I would love to be able to sew from say 6oz or so up to about 3/8 of an inch of firm veg tan. I have been looking at the Cowboy 341 to accomplish this. Any input is appreciated! Thanks
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