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Everything posted by DustyBench

  1. Yeah, well I boxed it up and sent it back for a full refund today.
  2. I called and spoke to a Consew Rep last week. He admitted he didn't know anything about their motors or controls. He asked for my email address, said he would try to find some better instructions dealing with the control box menu and get that right out to me. Obviously there is none or he didn't look! My last Consew product purchase.
  3. Well, I've reached out to the Consew tech support team through their website twice in the last 2 weeks with not a single response. Nice customer service! I've been looking for a used cylinder arm machine for a while, but Consew will definitely NOT made my short list!
  4. No, I can't say for sure, but the control box has a plug port to accept it and I have seen where others with the same motor have installed one. As shown in the below post from The Upholstery Forum: https://www.theupholsteryforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=517
  5. I just installed a Consew CSM-3000 servo motor on my Juki 1508N and fabricated a speed reducer for it. Everything is working fine, just the way I wanted it. The problem I am having is getting a new Needle Positioner to work. After I installed the NP it does nothing to position the needle, as if the control box doesn't recognize it. There is one page of instructions with the CSM-3000 motor that gives very little info about the control box. This is a newer control box than the one pictured on the Consew website, it has 4 buttons instead of the two shown. I've tried searching online, including the Consew site with no luck. Consew doesn't even list the CSM-3000 on their Resource Page. The little info I have found on an Upholstery forum indicates that the needle positioner is located in the menu as "U1", but that does not even show up when I cycle through the menu. Also the panel shows "U 13" for a brief time every time I turn it on and then shows the set speed... not sure if that is some error code or what? Everything else is working fine. Any help would be much appreciated.
  6. Have you installed the CSM-3000 yet? I have the same motor (just installed 3 days ago) with speed reducer on my Juki 1508 and mine does not start at 500 until I push the pedal completely down. I can run at 200. You may want to reset to the factory defaults. Brushless servo motors do not have a mechanical brake. The only issue I am having is trying to get my needle positioner to work! You may want to check out this post: https://www.theupholsteryforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=517 It deals with the same motor you (and I) have. I'm trying to find some better instructions myself. afaik: As For As I Know
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