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Everything posted by JdNelson

  1. I'm no leatherworker, I come here for help when my sewing machine breaks but I made this for my daughter and her husband for Christmas, Thought it turned out really well.
  2. I did get it fixed, it's running like new again. In case anyone else has the same problem and finds this post the procedure is: If you set your needle bar to the factory spec of 56.55mm to the bottom then raise it up 2mm and the hook is not at the needle but elsewhere you need to flip the machine up and drop the oil pan and find the two hex screws on the lower shaft to the right of the big gear and using the hand wheel take note of the screw positions and loosen the one you can't get to first then reposition the needle bar and loosen the other, about 1/4 turn should do it, then set the machine back down and rotate the hook to the factory mandated position then flip it back up and without moving the shaft retighten the screws.
  3. I see you are a long distance from the nearest repair guy too. It's just as well to learn how to do it yourself anyway I suppose. I do have a backup but it doesn't produce as nice work as the Juki.
  4. I wasn't sure if the drawing was referring to the set screws on the hook driver shaft or actually the larger lower gear which has bigger hex screws than the upper shaft. I haven't been able to find any videos online. Kind of worried about throwing off the timing of the rest of the machine.
  5. I can adjust the hook to needle distance with the screws on the hook but I suspect these instructions would let me rotate the hook backwards so I could time it to the specs,
  6. I will see of I can get it by lowering the needle bar, I had it set to 56.55mm, a measurement I found in the online manual. The manual that came with my machine doesn't specify a needle bar setting.
  7. I broke some needles yesterday and had to check the timing on my 1541s. The manual says that the hook to needle position should place the hook at the needle with the needle bar 2.1 mm up from the bottom dead center. My hook is at the needle at bottom dead center and about 3/4 of an inch past the needle when I raise the needle bar the recommended 2.1mm. Also there are some instructions about loosening up set screws on the hook driver shaft and turning the wheel by hand to align the hook. I don't understand that part but if anyone knows I would appreciate clarification. I have used this machine in my shop for almost a year trouble free so threading the machine isn't an issue.
  8. We could use the rain, There are a lot of boats here though. We have Fort Peck lake and Lake Sakakawea and Devils lake. The fishing is good around here. That's my wife on Fort Peck last summer.
  9. Hello, I was minding my own business one day when I decided to reupholster my center console in my pickup with leather (I run a Canvas shop making boat covers and tarps etc.) While online buying leather I saw a legal pad cover and thought, "Hey, That's pretty cool" so I made them for my bigger customers as a small token of my appreciation of all the grief they cause me and engraved their logo on them and sent them out. Eventually this resulted in orders for 116 notebook covers. So here I am. Once more into the fray. I have a literal freaking cow on my table, New tools, Learning things I don't know. Wondering if I will ever put my boat in the water this year.
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