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Everything posted by leonardzelig

  1. Constabulary, thanks for the suggestion. I had looked at the parts manual for my machine and although it did show individual wicks, it never provided any indication for how to route them. I did uncover a parts list for a later Consew model (RB255-RB3) which provided a bit more detail, but still sufficiently vague to allow for individual interpretation... ...I will take what I can from the newer manual and apply manual oiling as I see necessary. Thanks for your help!
  2. Hi all! Newbie here. I purchased a Consew 255B (non reverse) machine last year for some upholstery work I'd like to do on my cars as well as a boat. I obtained the machine from the daughter of the original owner who ran a drapery shop locally. After giving it a good clean, timing adjustment, and replacing the original motor with a modern servo, I set about trying to figure out how to replace the deteriorated wicks feeding the arm of the machine from the upper vibration-pump-fed reservoir. The felt I am most in need of understanding is the one which runs forward from the reservoir and appears to run through the take-up lever stud. It is severed in a few places and I have some new wool felt which I would like to replace it with but am not sure of the routing, nor the best method of pulling it through. Does anyone have insight and/or pictures to help me out her? Many thanks in advance!
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