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Everything posted by 29k15engine

  1. Im now thinking maybe I have fallen into the trap of ordering the wrong shuttle gears.... I have always gone on the part numbers in the singer29k2.pdg here https://www.college-sewing.co.uk/wp/wp-content/partsbooks/Singer/Singer 29K2.pdf which shows the 29k15 as using 8608 following pinions this topic https://leatherworker.net/forum/topic/88993-singer-29k70-gearbox-inspectionShows 3 gears which do not look like mine, the 4th picture shows what my gears look like. So the question, what is the part number for my gears? is it 8608 if that is correct has my supplier put the wrong picture up here. http://sitomaco.es/product_info.php/products_id/4445 any help would be appreciated, especially if you speak spanish as i do not. Mat
  2. The 29k15 was £40 in a junk shop so im pretty happy, the jacket however is too heavy for everyday used so Im on the lookout for some nice leather under .9mm maybe nubuck or nappa, I enjoy the challenge. I have had a play with the 29k and made my wife a leather bucket bag (she wanted brown leather so an early present for my mum) it didnt miss a stitch so im happy. The copper rings are made from copper brake pipe wrapped round a pipe, then cut and formed into a ring. Hope you like, now back to gears and racks..:)
  3. Many thanks Cowboybob and Jimi. Its my first machine, before this I made a leather jacket from scratch with a handheld speedy stitcher so its luxury having stitches mechanised. I can see that the rack can wear the back of the cast casing, wonder if a new slightly thicker rack would be an option here, then it could be honed to fit (Most new parts now need honeing, e.g the new pulley cam I bought took a whole evening to fit, at first the follower would not even go into the cam groove) As my 29k had been painted when I bought it a horrible blue I carefully sanded it with a motorised finger file right back to the casting, then used some black etch primer, 2k auto paint brushed on and hand sanded, then sprayed 2k laquer followed by decals and then the same ammount of laquer. The machine came with the correct treadle table which I am now restoring. It stitches 6 to an inch. As a side not I have found a "possible" stock of shuttle gears 8608, i have ordered 2, Im not sure if they are new old stock or just good old ones but took a punt at 10 euros each. As 2 is all I need here is the supplier. http://sitomaco.es/product_info.php/products_id/4445 below is my first leather jacket, as said made by hand with a speedy stitcher. Just to say Cowboybob your machines are impressive. Mat
  4. Hello all, I have bought and fully restored a 29k15, the fact is there are alot of these marques out there so it seems a shame that they can turn into large paperweights due to the fact that the shuttle gears and rack are unavailable. Im looking into what would be required to make all three gears and rack. If i could get the original gear and rack engineering drawings it would be hugely beneficial however i think these are no longer in existence. The good thing is that mine has light wear plus the end of the rack gear is virtually profle untouched and a good candidate for profilling the shape to make a hob for gear cutting. Here is my 29m after i restored it ,paint ,decals ,new pulley ,follower and a lever spring made by myself from 01 grade steel and then heat treated to make a spring, i also made the foot height adjuster. Any help on info would be appreciated
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