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About gearjammer711

  • Rank
  • Birthday July 11

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  • Location
    London , KY

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
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    That which was lost
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  1. greetings from the east. how old is your mother?

  2. Nice to see another "traveling man" interested in leather.

  3. glock 17,22,31,37 Full size 20,21 Full size 19,23,25,32,38 Compact 26,27,28,33,39 Sub Compact 29,30 Sub Compact 36 Compact slim 45 Just in case, each line of model numbers is same size.
  4. what process do you use to burnish the edge? I got a side of HO from Kevin and I can not get it to burnish like the leather I got at first from Tandy.
  5. that is a swivel knife in the 11th pic. the stamps should be good to go IMO
  6. I would not use a liner if it is a modern gun coating, they will wear better then one would think. or you could do one like the milt sparks summer special ( rough side out ).
  7. 8.50 sounds high IMO. a full side could be a bit much for your first. Call Springfield Leather they should be able to give you a better price and they will cut so you don't get stuck with a lot of leather , a side will make a lot of holsters. BTW shipping on the leather is not as bad as one would think. and if you have questions springfield will answer them. Kevin must have spent 30 min on the phone with me on my first order. (PLUG)
  8. Great work, I love the stitching. One small problem with the one for the beretta THAT'S THE WRONG SIDE .
  9. Bingo looks good, very functional IMO that's what counts. Randyc, lets hear more about this holster press.
  10. Are holster liners needed and maybe in what situation, if so I need some opinions on a good liner for concealed holsters. I am using 6/7oz. H.O. from springfield leather co.
  11. how much soda to water for a rinse after a vinegaroon dip?
  12. The holster looks good brother Carl. I am going to try a holster with the same kind of loops ,are the belt loops held on only buy the back part of the snap, or do you use some Cement ?
  13. texas jack , what grit sand paper do you use . I have thought about useing a beltsander but I thought it would leave the edge to rough
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