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    Roanoke VA

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  1. Thank you! Anyone else have a pattern?
  2. chuck I am fairly new to leatherwork and not great at making templates yet. I have mostly been working from existing templates until I get a better feel for designing.
  3. Gulrok, was there supposed to be an attachment with that post?
  4. Gulrok, It's not the extended battery version. It's a Harris XG-75. He says it is a standard (universal) size.
  5. Gulrok that would be fantastic!
  6. I have a customer who is interested in a custom leather Radio bucket (holster). I can only find one pattern on the internet from Soffield Leather but it is a bit different from the classic style he is looking for. Does anyone have a pattern they can share or know where I can get one? The attached pic is the style he is looking for. Thanks in advance!
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