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    Holsters, Wallets
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  1. I am looking for a leather guild that is close to Victoria, Texas. Please help me find one!!
  2. The only number I see stamped on the maching is at the top of the head and it is "1010"
  3. The machine comes with an attached stand and manuals. I will ship freight to CA providing you pay the shipping.
  4. Sorry about that, just took me a little while to take the pictures and load them. The union is currently in Williamsburg, Virginia. I will be traveling north to Maryland in the next 2 weeks and then in June I will be moving to Texas (Victoria).
  5. I have an old Union Lockstitch Sewing Machine for sale. Runs and works great. I have too many machines and I am moving and don't want to take it with me. $1,500 or best offer. Delivery is a possibility depending on your location.
  6. Add me to the list please! Thanks
  7. I am a leather crafter in Williamsburg, Virginia. I am looking for someone in a 2 hour radius that has a clicker press. I would be interested in paying you to click out some leather or if you will allow me to click leather using your machine. I am trying to get geared up to go to a show and this would be the quickest way to cut out merchandise. I am aware that Beiler's and Weaver offer a service, but I would have to use their leather and I would prefer to use my Wickett & Craig leather.
  8. I have just ordered a sample from Spandex House to see if it is something I can work with. The next thing I will be looking at is the neoprene. Thanks for the info and I will let you know which works best.
  9. Thanks, I just received my sample and catalog from Hide House and they are just what I was looking for. Thanks for the lead on them. Now I can get back to work. Debbie
  10. Does any one know of a supplier for boot elastic? This is the elastic that stretches sideways, so that it can be sewn in boots (or chaps) to get a little stretch and give? I know there are 6" regular elastics sold, but I am looking for the 12" - 18" boot elastic. I have written to a company in Australia, but haven't received any replies. Thanks for your help.
  11. I have been searching for reasonably priced metallic leather for rodeo chap fringe. I had previously purchased my metallic hides from Siegel of California. There, I was able to get a variety of colors at reasonable prices. Since they are no longer in business I am having a hard time coming up with the colors that I need and the price that I like. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
  12. I am a leathercraftsman in southern Delaware and have done a lot of holsters (cowboy, conceal, pommel, etc.). I have attempted making a cowboy mounted shooting holster and while the holster looks great, there is 1 structural fault in it. I have since learned to flare the top of it with rawhide so that the opening is large enough for easy drop-in of the gun. With the holster that I made, I can hold the holster upside down with the gun in the holster and the gun stays in place nicely. The problem is...when the rider is on the horse, going through the course, the gun popped out of the holster. Is there a certain lining that I should be using that would "grip" the gun better? Any insight would be greatly appreciated. I lined the holster with smooth leather.
  13. I have been asked to fix an english bridle that is missing the bridle hooks. For those that are unaware of english tack, the bridle hook is on the cheek piece and attaches to the bit. I know that Weaver sells this product but as of yet I do not have an account with them and am not going to be spending the required $250 to open an account. Does anyone know who else sells this hook and where I can obtain them? Thank you for the assistance. I really appreciate it.
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