For anyone that is still interested, I (finally!) made a start on this project so thought I would put a quick update up with a few photos.
Progress so far:
- gathered materials: I bought a small can of pure neatsfoot oil and followed @ScottWolf recommendation to get another initial conditioner. I went for a product available in UK called Renapur leather balm (which is beeswax and jojoba oils). I will start with that and work up to the neatsfoot.
- removed rusty rivets, studs and hardware. All of these were badly corroded and jagged edges so, rather than risk picking up tetanus, I removed them with a bradawl. Most came out ok without causing any leather splitting. I’ve saved the hardware so I can source replacements.
- did a basic surface clean with shoe brush and wiped down with damp cloth. It looks quite a bit better already!
To do next:
- deep clean with saddle soap using applicator brush. I’ll try and reshape the pockets at this point.
- assess straps and leather fixings. As you can see, some of these have split so I will have to get some pieces remade (if the satchel can be restored to a reasonable standard). I’ll probably test the conditioners on the damaged ones to see what works.
Then I will move on to the conditioning. I’m feeling a bit more optimistic than I did first time round. Thanks again to everyone- I was very close to putting the bag in the bin!