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Everything posted by jsroye96

  1. Yes, the mouth does stay open, if fact I wore this holster around the house one day without a weapon in it just to see if the mouth would stay open. After a few hours I put my gun back in the holster with out any problems. I did not really do anything special with it to make the mouth stay open like that.. I just wetmolded it and let it dry and then sealed it with fiebing's leather balm with atom wax.... When I made the holster i was not really all that concerned whether or not the mouth of the holster stayed open or not. I just wanted to make sure I could get it out quickly and easily.
  2. Hey Ken, I hand stitch all of my holsters, I just kind of prefer it that way. It does mean that it takes me longer to sew a holster though. John.
  3. Hey, Thanks for the comments. Here is another one I made, I think it looks better than the first two I made.
  4. They may not be pretty, they might be big, but they conceal very well and are very comfortable to wear. One is for a Para .45, thats what I carry now. The other is for a Beretta 92FS.
  5. This is for a Ruger Vaquero .45 left handed. It is pigskin lined. The pic is photographed backwards so it looks like it is for a right handed shooter. I took this pic with my computer and I will be honest.... I don't know how to fix the pics.
  6. This is some of my latest holsters I have been working on. I tried to do a duel 9mm mag pouch, it came out ok, I found some things I need to do different next time though. Tell me what ya'll think. Thanks.
  7. Thank you, thank you, thank you. It makes a lot of sense now.
  8. Hey everyone, I am making a small of the back holster and was kicking around the idea of putting in a tension screw. I don't have the foggiest idea of how to do this. Can someone please fill me in on how that is done? Thanks.
  9. Hi everyone, I made a tomohawk sheath for a friend of mine, he did not want any shine to it, so I just put neatsfoot oil on it at this point. I left off the acrylic resolene. Tell me what you think please. Always room to improve and I have gotten better because of your critiques. Thanks.
  10. 1. I use fiebling's leather dye I think its alcohol based. (mahogany) 2. 6 to 7 ounce single shoulders 3. No, I have not been buffing until no dye rubs off, I rub in dye twice to get good coverage. 4. I use fiebings acylic resolene. Thanks for your help, I will be happy to answer any other questions in order to fix this problem. I apologize in advance if I am doing something or not doing something to cause my own problem. I am absolutely still learning so much. John.
  11. Hi Everyone, Here I am once again seeking your council. A problem has just come up with the dye on one of my holsters rubbing off. I dont think it is affecting the look of the holster but I dont want dye staining my customers and friends clothing. Please tell me what I am doing wrong in the dye process or what I can do to fix this very troublesome problem. Thank you very much. John.
  12. I was thinking of using guns my friends and family let me borrow, so it is extremely important that the weapons I use are returned in the exact condition as I got them.
  13. Thanks Mike, It is gratifying to see improvement with each project I do.
  14. Yeah, it's really a mahogany color, but it looks blue in the pic. I used my computer to take the picture. Thanks for the compliment.
  15. I just finished this today.
  16. Thanks Stephen, I will check into it.
  17. That sounds like it might work.
  18. Thanks, that's just what I am looking for. if it's too expensive then I might not do it. It's just something I thought I might try.
  19. Hi everyone, I am asking this out of financial desperation. I want to make my own blue guns so I dont have to pay forty five dollars per gun. I dont know how to do this though. Do any of you know how to make your own gun molds? I would like to know how to do this. Thanks. John.
  20. Thanks Twinoaks, You guys are the best.
  21. Hi everybody, I just made a bucket style holster, you know, a few pieces of leather sandwiched together and you put the weapon down the center. I will post pics when I am done completely with it, but I am having concerns about how tight it is. After I sewed it all up, I can barely stick my fingers down the center. Will this loosen up with use? Did I do something wrong, was there a step I was supposed to do and didn't? A little about how I made the holster may give ya'll a better idea of what is going on. I used four pieces of leather, two pieces sewn together at the top, then the other two were sewn at the top, the the two sets slapped together and sewn together on the sides. It sure is tight. Please tell me if this is ok, and if not what to do about it. Thanks in advance for your help.
  22. Darryl, Thanks man, great information, I was ready to freak out! heh heh. Thanks again, this information is going to help alot. John.
  23. Hey everybody, I have about had it with burnashing, I cant make it look good. I sure it's not supposed to look like what i put out. I have been using Gum of Tragacanth and rubbing till I am ready to pass out. Please, can you all help me get nice shiney brown edges that dont look dirty. Here is an example. Sorry about them not being as sharp and in focus as I would like.
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