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  1. Thank you Michiel! I never got any notifications to replies, so my apologies for not replying sooner. I was using the method as described in service manual, and I succeeded in adjusting the reverse to match the forward stitch, but the maximum reverse stitch length is about ~4mm, so a forward stitch of 7mm will have a reverse of 4mm. Your advice to use the eccentric on the top shaft is something I've not tried, so I look forward to try that (as soon as I've fixed my broken hook gib!) Also your method of positioning the needle and trying the reverse handle is great! I tuned mine with a lot of trial and error
  2. Can anyone help me interpret the parts book here? Photo attached. I just received replacement gib screws from college sewing (I'm hoping to temporarily fix the hook gib while I arrange a replacement). The screws that arrived are the same size, but have a higher TPI - photo attached, where screw from my machine is above and replacement below. My first instinct was that College Sewing made a mistake, but on reviewing the parts book, it looks like there are two part numbers for the screw - 992 01 658 0 and 992 02 349 0 - but there isn't a model number after to indicate which is relevant to a GK373. The headers on these two columns of part numbers are "Up to Serial No" and "As from serial Nr". I'm not sure how to interpret that - does anyone know how to determine if those part numbers are synonymous or actually describe different parts?
  3. Thank you for checking anyway!
  4. Thank you! That would be great. I've rung around a few repair shops in my area but they all just point me to College Sewing. Would you know of any names by chance? Searching for the part number, "hook gib" and "deckring" (the german name from the parts book) aren't bringing up any other suppliers.
  5. I was merrily sewing today when there was a clack and sudden rattling noise from the hook on my Adler 67 (GK373), and somehow the cover ring (not sure on the terminology - hook gib?) which holds the hook in place had broken in two. There was only one screw of three left, which was holding one half of the broken cover ring in place. I suspect one of the screws was missing already (I'm not familiar enough with the machine yet to have noticed), and the other pinged off somewhere never to be found again. If I'm reading the parts book right, the part number for a GK373 is 068 15 191 0, and the only spare I can find is at college sewing, which is on backorder. Does anyone have any further leads, or know of anyone breaking an Adler 67 or 68 who might have this part available? Failing that, I might have to buy a new lower hook. It looks like the part number for that would be HAD68 - college sewing has one for £86+VAT but given that's almost half what I paid for the machine, I'm hesitant - any leads for a cheaper option? I can find Chinese spares for the 167 hook HAD167 a lot cheaper. The cover ring for the HAD167 has a different part number - 167 00 191 0 but looks tantalisingly similar; though I presume that it's actually sized larger to accommodate the larger bobbin size of the 167. Does anyone know for sure? Any thoughts, wisdom or leads welcome - Thanks!
  6. Hello! First time posting, long time lurking as a guest. The amount I've learned from these forums is invaluable, but for the first time I have a query there doesn't already seem to be a thread about! I've recently aquired an Adler 67-GK373 which after some adjustments is sewing well. The stitch length lever was so sticky that it was locked anywhere it was moved to, rather than springing back down, and the stitch length locking bolt was seized in the eccentric nut housed in the casing. I've resolved both these issues with oil and patience, but it's brought up some issues and questions I feel a bit out of my depth with. According to the exploded diagrams of this model, the stitch length bolt should have a collar on end - circled in red in the attached picture, part #067160583. Mine is missing. It's absence doesn't prevent the mechanism from working, but since it is this part of the mechanism which makes contact with a cam inside to set the stitch length, I'm not certain if I can replace it with any collar with the right internal bore, or if the external diameter is critical. I can't think why it would be critical, since it's not a particularly fine mechanism which only depends on how far the bolt is screwed in, and appears to be working ok without it at all. For now I've adjusted the eccentric reverse stitch length adjustment nut so that the reverse and forward stitch lengths match with the bolt as it is, sans collar. Which introduces my first issue... The max reverse stitch length appears to be about 4mm - contrary to the max forward stitch of 6mm according to the brochure, and 7mm as measured on my machine - and I can't see any way to adjust it. I can't find anything in the brochure or manual for this model that suggests that the reverse is limited to 4mm, but I have come accross this mentioned in a thread somewhere on this forum (which I now can't find for the life of me!) and in a YouTube video explaining how to adjust the stitch length on a 167 Could it be related to the missing collar? It doesn't seem like it should be but...? Does anyone know if the machine is for some reason limited to a max reverse stitch of 4mm, or if there is a means to adjust it I haven't found? My second issue is that unless I toggle into reverse at exactly the right moment, when the needle is right at the bottom of it's cycle, then sometimes the bottom thread tangles, and sometimes even jams up inside the hook. I can't reproduce it reliably enough to know the exact circumstances under which it happens, so I'm hoping somebody might have some gem of knowledge about some perculiarity with the machine I need to be aware of, or something I can adjust to prevent it. At the moment I can only reliably back tack by hand spinning the wheel, as my servo just doesn't go slow enough to hit the reverse lever at the right time without risking ruining my run. Not a huge deal, but it'd be a nice problem to solve.
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