Hi! I know this has been discussed a bunch so I apologize for any redundancy but I still have a question. I’m making tooled panels to go on a pair of converse, using premium veg-tan from Hide House.
-Tooled, cleaned with rubbing alcohol (didn’t have deglazer and figured it was close),
-Dyed the background with fiebings black water based dye. I did three coats and dried overnight.
-Lightly oiled(olive oil), dried for atleast half an hour.
-Applied Tankote and the dye is rubbing off-and transferring onto the undyed areas, not all of it but definitely getting splotchy if I rub it too much. I tried to delicately apply the tankote in hopes of sealing it and not disturbing it.
Now that it’s dried overnight it feels sealed and doesn’t SEEM to be rubbing off, but worried it will if they get wet at all.
Questions being, I was reading resolene may be more appropriate for this application? More waterproof as well(seeing as they’re going on shoes)?
Also do I need to buff the leather and get off any dye that wants to run(and at that point can I even touch it up since it’s already got tankote on it) or should I just seal it with a 50/50 resolene(or tan kote if that’s more appropriate) and it will stay put?
Planning to antique as well but waiting to sort out the dye issue before I go any further.
Appreciate any advice, thanks so much for your time!
photo attached, go easy on me it’s only like my third time tooling something